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Patient Satisfaction after First Visit

Instructions on how you can set a automation to monitor your patients' satisfaction after first appointment

Flori avatar
Written by Flori
Updated over 5 years ago

With Cliniq Apps you can send Patient Satisfaction surveys to monitor your patients' satisfaction level.
The content and presentation of the one question survey is based on more than 15 years of research to maximise its accuracy and participation rate. This question is the global Best Practice.
Your patients will receive an email asking them to provide a comment on the reasons behind their satisfaction score choice. Check your Dashboard to see the results.
Before getting to the instruction on how you can set such a campaign, please watch the very informative video below.

1. Messages: Go to Message Templates

Create one Satisfaction Survey Email or SMS. You may also send both in case your patient doesn't have either of the two.

SMS Script:


It was lovely to meet you on your appointment at the clinic. I just have a quick question regarding your recent visit. Please click the link below.

Clinic Name

Email Subject:

READ: Hi {FIRSTNAME}, Just a quick question about Clinic name

2. Click on Automation Rules and Click on New Automations


  1. Name the Automation for your reference.

  2. Select unsubscription category

  3. Select unsubscription automation type. For information about automation categorization and type click HERE.

  4. Select the iteration of the automation

  5. Click Continue to proceed to the next steps

Click the SELECT button and choose Patients with Appointments

Select the clinic location and click the and button

Then choose their appointment

And set it to less than one month have passed since First Appointment then click the and button

Select communicate with patient -> Select the Satisfaction Survey

And set it to 1 hour later

Click on Apply Changes

Then Save Automation

To start the automation simply click the PLAY ▶️ button.

When you activate this automation, all your patients who have visited you for the first time within the month will receive the satisfaction survey SMS one hour later. Then, from now on, any new patient will receive the satisfaction survey 1 hour after first visit.

Check you Net Promoter Score to evaluate your patients' loyalty. 

Follow up with promoters by sending them vouchers or ask for referrals. There is a separate article called New Patient Acquisition on how you can set up this in Cliniq Apps.

If you have any questions, please chat with us in your Cliniq Apps web messenger.

Enjoy growing your practice!
Cliniq Apps 🚀

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