With Cliniq Apps, you can easily create and customise your digital patient forms to collect the most relevant information from your patients.
All you need is to create your treatment notes templates on Cliniko as follows:
Go to Cliniko ->Settings
Click on Treatment Notes Templates (under patients)
Click on Add Template
Start creating your template
Check this video for more info:
The following gives an example on what you might want to put in your patient form. This is only a suggestion and not a legal advice.
Section name: Terms
Please allow us 24 hrs notice so that we can arrange to care for another client. It will also help you to avoid the fee for late notice changes to your appointment (and we don't want to charge a fee!). Is that okay?*
Privacy Policy: A full copy of our Privacy Policy is available on our website. We will provide a link at the end of this form.
Section name: More Info
Do you have a Private Health Insurance?
How did you hear about us?
Social Media
Friend or Family
Section name: Physical Condition
What is your main complaint?
What's the severity of your main complaint (at its worst)?
Do you have any allergies?
If Yes, describe the allergies that you've got
Each of the sections will be shown on a separate page of the patient form.
The asterisk at the end of the question makes it mandatory to be answered.
If you have any questions, please chat with us in your Cliniq Apps web messenger.
Enjoy growing your practice!
Cliniq Apps 🚀