This process is necessary to be able to assign automated tasks from your automations to your Asana users.
IMPORTANT: To add Asana users into Cliniq Apps you need to:
Here's the step-by-step guide on mapping users.
2. Click on Integrations page
3. Scroll down to the Asana section and nominate an email where the notifications when the task in Asana ever fails i.e, assignee is not mapped in Cliniq Apps.
All integrated Asana user names are listed on the right column
4. Simply drag the usernames to the left column right next to the matching usernames.
Don't forget to click on Save.
NOTE: Should you need to remove the user's access, simply unlinked the account by dragging the username from right to left.
If you have any questions, please chat with us on your Cliniq Apps web messenger.
Enjoy growing your practice!
Cliniq Apps 🚀