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3 Hours Prior

Send a reminder 3 hours prior next appointment

Flori avatar
Written by Flori
Updated over 5 years ago

Follow the instructions below to ensure that your patients will receive your clinic's map 3 hours prior to their appointment.

1. Messages: Create one SMS as follows or just send your clinic's google location (check it here)

Hi {FIRSTNAME}, we want to let you know that we are working hard preparing to your appointment, you can expect the best from our team, see you soon.

Your Clinic Name

2. Click on Automation Rules and Click on New Automations


  1. Name the Automation for your reference.

  2. Select unsubscription category

  3. Select unsubscription automation type. For information about automation categorization and type click HERE.

  4. Select the iteration of the automation

  5. Click Continue to proceed to the next steps

Click the SELECT button and choose Patients with Appointments

Select the clinic location and click the and button

Then choose their appointment

And set it to less than 4 hours remain before next appointment and click the and button to proceed to the next steps.

Select their number of past appointments and set it to 0-0

And click the then button and choose communicate with patient

Select communicate with patient -> send sms -> select the sms that you created and set it to 1 hour later.

Click on Apply Changes

Then Save Automation

To start the automation simply click the PLAY ▶️ button.

When you activate this automation, your patients will receive an SMS 3 hours from their next appointment.
Don't forget to check the DNA Rebooker and Cancellation Rebooker campaigns (post appointment).

If you have any questions, please chat with us in your Cliniq Apps web messenger.

Enjoy growing your practice!
Cliniq Apps 🚀

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